About the All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Research Network
Bringing together researchers across the island of Ireland
The AICBRN is in a unique position to mobilise academia, communities, government and industry from across the island of Ireland to be a strategic and accountable voice for evidence-based solutions for Climate and Biodiversity emergencies.
The All-Island Climate and Biodiversity Research Network (AICBRN) brings together researchers from across the island of Ireland who are undertaking research in the climate and biodiversity fields. The diversity of disciplinarity and expertise of members across the physical, natural and social sciences, engineering, and humanities enables this network to cooperatively undertake the essential fundamental and challenge-based research required for Ireland to successfully address the climate and biodiversity emergency.
The network was instigated in late 2019 and the concept has been developed by an initial core group from across institutions north and south. The network is intended to be inclusive in nature and substantial efforts to expand membership are underway and planned to continue into the future.